About our Fitness Training

Strength Training (Dumb-bells & Resistance Band)

Exercising during pregnancy has numerous health benefits. You can start exercising at any time during your pregnancy. But better late, than never. Strength training using dumb-bells and resistance bands aids in building strong arms that is required for carrying mothers. These workouts assure strengthening of muscles all over the body. Also, it helps in improving your balance and posture. This is an Assurance for a Better Body!

Yoga asanas & Breathing Exercises

     Yoga is a medium to relax your mind. A Sound Mind in a Sound Body. When you practice yoga, your probability of maintaining a good posture is higher. You will have the right focus on good posture as you sit or stand. Asanas release stiffness in your muscles. It also reduces lower back pain. Practice these Postures for a Picture-Perfect Life!


     Breathing exercises are certainly beneficial to handle contractions during your actual labor. It ensures enough oxygen supply for the mother and the baby. A sufficient amount of oxygen keeps the baby safe from distress.

Pregnancy Safe Dance

Hey Mommies, Beats on Feet to tickle your tiny-tots! Have the music on and you are on the go! Yes, you sway like a delicate blossom and your baby in the womb enjoys the rhythm of it. This pre-natal dance is safe for the pregnant mommies. Have some time for yourself now as you will have to give away all your time for the arriving baby in the days to come. Calm down, relax your mind as you concentrate on the music being played. Dancing is beneficial as the mother thoroughly enjoys it. You can express yourself, stay fit and healthy, and have fun during this transformative time. It is said that, when you dance, it rises blood flow, reduces blood pressure, regulates excessive weight gain, and progresses muscle tone.

Aqua & Birth Ball Exercises

Being inside water helps in avoiding maternal discomforts. When you are inside water and move your legs, the exercise seems to be simple, but are super-effective. You can relish the feel of floating. Swimming is also a best exercise. Hence, opting for aqua exercises is a therapy not only to progress your fitness but also to sense the pleasure of pregnancy!  


The term ‘labor’ means hard-work. But using Birth-ball can ease your labor. It prepares the expecting mother to handle labor in an optimistic way. It helps with aches, pains, and getting your baby in to the correct position. Using a birthing ball can increase your chances of going into labor naturally without being medically induced. Yes, A Natural way to induce your labor!

Cardio Work-outs

A Pregnant mother can do 300 squats and 250 stair-climbings with appropriate breaks in her third trimester. To achieve this count, you can start with five counts regularly and gradually from second trimester onwards. This will help in making your lower body strong. It tones muscles all over your body to easily handle labor. In our sessions, we do a lot of squats that helps to withstand labor. Hence, Sweat out Today for a Sweeter Tomorrow!


A healthy pregnancy includes both physical and emotional well-being. Healthy Mommy means a Happy Baby too, and that is what Active Baby Bump resonates. Pregnancy surely will be accompanied with sudden mood swings and meditating will help you tackle them. Mommies should be mentally prepared to fight all the ups and downs they face every day. When you meditate, you can visualize your labor, the most-awaited moment that you have been waiting to deliver your cutie-pie. You can say positive affirmations.

     Every mother will yearn to have an emotional connect with her baby. Taking up meditation will undeniably promote bonding between the mother and the unborn child. Lend yourself a space to process your feelings in a healthy way, contributing to your overall emotional wellbeing. You can have a secret communication with your baby inside! Believe, Silence can Speak Secrets to you!

Deepika RaguDeepika Ragu
10:35 25 Jun 24
Mathumathy @active baby bump provides prenatal and postnatal fitness training both online and offline. She is also the doula to go to around coimbatore region.The online sessions are 3_4/week, and include warmup, yoga stretches,breathing and strength training,all carefully monitored by her individually, inspite of it being a group class. She offers modifications in workouts/aasanas as per individual needs...multiple timings of the class is also really appreciable. I would look forward to them in order to lift my spirits!I had a csec delivery but feel my recovery was hassle-free due to all the training.I could not, unfortunately ,get her doula support during my delivery,but if opted for,she can be there for you! So go ahead mommas!
mounika tungamounika tunga
02:55 30 May 24
Mathu is an experienced prenatal instructor. Am enjoying her classes that includes breathing, visualization, pelvic, and yoga postures.
Shwetha KomminarShwetha Komminar
05:53 27 May 24
Sneha SSneha S
05:27 24 May 24
The prenatal care was exceptional. The staff were consistently attentive, and the prenatal classes offered invaluable information for both pregnancy and childbirth. Our doula provided emotional support and practical advice that made our birthing experience smooth and stress-free. She was always available when we needed her. I highly recommend her services!
ragavi nagarajanragavi nagarajan
11:49 23 May 24
The Dancing sessions were the most 👌 🔥 😍 perfect part of the class..I used to enjoy the dancing part so much...The meditation Part is so relaxing.....I used to get sleep in every meditation session🤣...it would be so relaxing.....The class is actually a mixture of yoga,fitness,dance and meditation....It is perfect 👌 😍 ❤....I really miss my baby bump.....and pregnancy active baby bump classesss...Missing madhu akka ....Akka used to tell many info regarding labor, breastfeeding.......Pls do make use of this amazing soul mommies.....Wholeheartedly thank u akka💕💕Love U!!
If you are pregnant or you are in postpartum, I highly recommend you to join Madhu for the workouts. I joined in prenatal fitness session. The amount of care and attention she gave me throughout the session is highly appreciable. I had pubic and sciatic pain. With every movement, she first asked me “are you comfortable?”It’s important to have trust on right someone in this beautiful phase of our life. And Madhu is the right person.
Sanju ChandranSanju Chandran
09:35 23 May 24
Session was good and relaxing and my body weight was increasing before the sessions , after continuing the session, my body weight was maintained without increasing and when I got pelvic pain I was about to drop the session , but Mathu handles it very softly and now am continuing the session without any fear .
Nivedha MNivedha M
09:23 23 May 24
The first person came to my mind when i wanted to work on my body during my second pregnancy was Mathu., but unfortunately I couldn't work that out. After my delivery the first person i reached out to was mathu for guiding me through my physical health journey. Been with her for 2 months now and she has helped me clear my Diastasis recti (DR) gap from 4 to 2 fingers and helped me heal in my postpartum journey. If you are looking for pre/postnatal services from someone whom you can be comfortable with, then she is definitely the one. Wishing you the best Mathu and thank you.
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